G6PD Deficiency Test

We can check to see if you have an inherited deficiency of Glucose-6-Phosphate Dehydrogenase (G6PD), necessary to keep red blood cells healthy, through a G6PD blood test.

This blood test is required before receiving high dose vitamin C infusions. This test measures the amount of G6PD in the red blood cells (RBCs).

When should I get a blood test for G6PD?

You should get a blood test for G6PD to determine if you have a deficiency of this enzyme, which is vital for red blood cell health. This test is recommended if you've experienced haemolysis (causing jaundice, anaemia, and dark urine), and must be carried out before receiving high-dose vitamin C infusions. It helps identify if a genetic mutation on the X chromosome is causing the deficiency. This test provides essential information to ensure safe medical care and proper management of health conditions.

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What is G6PD?

Glucose-6-Phosphate Dehydrogenase (G6PD) is an enzyme that plays a crucial role in maintaining the health of red blood cells. It helps protect these cells from damage and breakdown by enabling them to function properly.

What is G6PD deficiency?

G6PD deficiency is an inherited condition caused by a mutation on the X chromosome, leading to a shortage of the G6PD enzyme. This deficiency can result in the breakdown of red blood cells, a condition known as haemolysis, which can cause symptoms such as jaundice, anaemia, and dark urine.

How do you test for G6PD deficiency?

G6PD deficiency is tested through a blood test that measures the amount of G6PD enzyme in the red blood cells. This test is particularly important before receiving high-dose vitamin C infusions, as individuals with G6PD deficiency may have adverse reactions to such treatments.

What does a low G6PD result mean?

A low G6PD result indicates a deficiency in the G6PD enzyme. This means that the individual has a higher risk of experiencing haemolysis, especially when exposed to certain triggers such as certain medications, foods, or infections. Identifying a low G6PD level is essential for managing health and preventing complications.

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