Vitamin B12 Booster

Vitamin B12, called cobalamin, is a water-soluble vitamin that is essential in red blood cell formation, cellular metabolism, nerve function, and production of DNA. It also helps in the conversion of protein and fat into energy.

B12 deficiency can result in you being more susceptible to infections and feeling run down. B12 is an essential vitamin that you can become deficient in, particularly if you follow a restricted or special diet (such as vegetarian or vegan), if you’re pregnant or breastfeeding, older adults, those who have had gastrointestinal surgery or suffer from gastrointestinal illnesses, and people with an autoimmune condition known as pernicious anaemia. if you suffer from certain health conditions or if you are over a certain age. Heavy smokers and drinkers can also have low levels of B12.

Product Benefits

  • Helps keep your body's blood and nerve cells healthy and helps make DNA, the genetic material in your cells
  • Prevents certain types of anaemia
  • Helps your body convert food molecules into energy

Our team of clinicians can assess you for deficiency with a blood test and can administer a powerful dose if it is required. Because B12 is a water-soluble vitamin, we are able to administer it without the blood test first. However, it may be sensible to do a test to establish exactly how deficient you are.

Boost Your Energy and Wellness with Vitamin B12

Book your Vitamin B12 IM Shot today to boost your health and energy levels. If you can't see a slot that works for you or would like the treatment at a special time please email us at - we will do our very best to accommodate you!

Looking to increase your dietary sources of B12? Check out our blog about the best sources of B12.

What is Vitamin B12?

Vitamin B12, also known as cobalamin, is essential for red blood cell formation, DNA production, and nerve function.

Who can benefit from Vitamin B12 IM Shots?

Individuals with a restricted diet (vegetarians, vegans), pregnant or breastfeeding women, older adults, and those with certain health conditions can benefit from B12 shots.

Are there any side effects of Vitamin B12 IM Shots?

B12 is generally safe, but some people may experience mild side effects like dizziness, headache, or nausea. Before starting the treatment, we will have a medical consultation with you to learn your personal needs.

Product Options

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From £50 (At Clinic)

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