Symptoms of low Vitamin D levels

Vitamin D deficiency is incredibly common and most people are unaware of it. An estimated one in five adults and one in six children don’t get enough vitamin D. Fortunately, vitamin D deficiency is usually easy to determine and fix. You can either increase your sun exposure, eat more vitamin D rich foods, such as fatty fish or fortified dairy products. You can also find a variety of vitamin D supplements on the market. 

Recognising symptoms of vitamin D deficiency can help prevent complications from developing. But how do you know if you have vitamin D deficiency? Here are some symptoms to look out for:


Let’s face it, we’re all tired. But why we’re feeling tired and worn out might be for a range of reasons. Though you can feel tired and have excessive sleepiness and worn out for various reasons, low levels of vitamin D could be one of them. Often overlooked and lesser-known symptoms. as a cause vitamin D is vital to bone health and an insufficient amount can cause bone and muscle weakness, which can lead to fatigue.

A large observational study looked at the relationship between vitamin D and fatigue in young women. The study found women with blood levels lower than 20 ng/ml or 21-29 ng/ml were more likely to complain of fatigue than those with blood levels over 30 ng/ml.

Bone pain

Vitamin D can increase bone mass and prevent bone loss. If someone has bone and joint pain, it may indicate a vitamin D deficiency. Joint pain could also result from issues such as rheumatoid arthritis. A 2012 study linked vitamin D deficiency with an increased risk of developing the condition.

Muscle weakness, muscle aches, or muscle cramps

If you’re aching for longer after a workout or it hurt to get up off of the sofa then you could be lacking in vitamin D. The vitamin D receptor is found in nerve cells called nociceptors. These are the cells that sense pain in the body. Research indicates that the vitamin has a protective anti-inflammatory effect.

Previously studies have shown that there is a link between muscle pain and low levels of the vitamin. A study published in Pain Medicine found that 71 per cent of people with chronic pain were found to have a vitamin D deficiency.

Mood changes, like depression

Vitamin D deficiency has been linked to depression in older adults. Researchers analysed the role vitamin D has on people in their older years and found that 65 per cent of those who showed signs of depression also had low levels of the vitamin.

Having low energy levels can also make you feel down in the dumps and this is also caused by vitamin D deficiencies.

Getting sick all the time and slow healing

Vitamin D is essential in making sure your immune system is running at its full potential. Studies have previously found that vitamin D can help protect against respiratory infections.

Vitamin D works with the cells in your body that fight infections and if you are constantly coming down with a cold or the flu then you might have low levels of the sunshine vitamin.

Bruises and cuts may also take longer to heal if you don’t have enough vitamin D in your system. Vitamin D plays a role in controlling inflammation and fighting infection – both of which are imperative for sufficient healing.

One study from doctors in Portugal found that patients with leg ulcers who were treated with vitamin D were able to reduce the size of their ulcer by 28 per cent after taking the supplement.

Hair loss

While stress is one of the main factors for hair loss, it has also been found that a lack of vitamin D could also be a contributing factor.

Low vitamin D levels have been linked to conditions such as alopecia and those with more severe hair loss have previously been found to have low levels of vitamin D.

Bone loss

Vitamin D plays a key role in the way that calcium is absorbed into the system. If your bones lose calcium and other minerals then you will be more susceptible to fractures and breakages.

Vitamin D also helps to maintain blood levels and having enough of the vitamin in your system will reduce the risk of fractures.

Unexplained pain

If you’re experiencing lower back pain or bone pain in general then you could have low levels of vitamin D. Vitamin D helps improve the way your body takes in calcium – which is essential for healthy teeth and bones.


Psoriasis may present itself as a scaly rash on your scalp or other parts of your body. Often it can be agitated by stress (unfortunately, finding out you have psoriasis tends to cause stress too). Although psoriasis is not always connected to a lack of vitamin D, the vitamin is sometimes used during treatment. The Mayo Clinic claims that if you have a lack of vitamin D, it will be harder for your body to defend itself against psoriasis.

And lastly generally not feeling like yourself

You know your body best, so if something doesn’t seem right, get it checked out. It’s always best to get a blood test to confirm your levels.

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